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Human Resource & Organization Development Consulting |
+7 (495) 651-62-39 |
Methodology of Development and Implementation. Terms and PricesIn order to develop and implement its products and solutions the Hi-Tech Group uses standard work methodology - Rapid Concept Development & Implementation (RCDI).
Using of this methodology allows us to considerably reduce terms, labor costs, and therefore the cost of solutions as well as to manage risks while clearly allocating roles, missions and responsibility of project participants.
Compatibility of standards
RCDI methodology is compatible with PMI PMBoK and TQM concepts, the ISO 9001: 2000 (GOST R ISO 9001:2001), SA 8000:1997 standards and others. Below is general description of stages composing typical project of development and implementation of typical HR solutions. Stages are determined with specification of their results and estimated duration.
Before any project is implemented, preliminary examination is conducted, the assigned task is particularized, evaluation is performed with regard to overall level of customer’s organizational maturity, distinctive features of business and corporate culture, etc. In accordance with findings at this stage a customer is provided with the report and detailed commercial proposal including project feasibility evaluation, precise goal identification (the list and schedule of work, result specification), project budget. Afterwards the parties negotiate and sign the services agreement, effect the prepayment for the subsequent project stage.
This project stage takes place after the parties have signed the services agreement and the prepayment for this stage has been received. In the course of Work Scheduling stage the project working group is formed, customer’s representatives are taught the techniques for co-developing of corporate regulations and procedure of cooperation between customer’s and supplier’s representatives, the parties cooperate to prepare and agree upon the fundamental requirements for the future solution and work schedule, and where necessary, project requirements specification is elaborated. Standard duration of stage: 2 weeks. The stage is completed by confirmation of Requirements for solution, work schedule, and, if necessary, project requirements specification.
The major task at this stage is to develop the unique solution or to choose the required solution out of standard versions in accordance with the approved requirements. The stage provides for holding kick-off meetings of the project working group, analyzing the existing situation, analyzing local and industry-specific normative acts, etc. As a result of this stage the parties prepare and negotiate the solution concept (as a special document or first draft version of the future regulations). Standard duration of stage: 2-3 weeks. The solution development stage is completed by the approval of proposed solution concept by the customer. RCDI technique allows us to simultaneously handle several solutions (regulations, technologies), provided that the working group handling them on the part of the customer remains unchanged.
At this stage the working group guided by the developed concept prepares and iteratively adjusts versions of regulations (standard) describing the required solution (process, procedure or technology). The number of iterations is not limited, usually: 2-3 iterations. Standard duration: 1 version (iteration) per week. The stage is completed by submission of final version of the policy to Customer. Before the final version of the regulations is submitted to Customer, the regulations undergo legal review. If necessary, Customer is provided with the list of risks associated with the implementation of these technologies and risks minimization methods
This stage of work begins upon Customer’s making a decision about implementation of the developed procedure (technology). In the course of this stage regulations implementation work plan is elaborated, measures in information distribution among customer’s employees are carried out, persons responsible for the implemented technology are taught and other planned measures are performed. Normally, the working group continues its work within one month after all measures stipulated by the elaborated plan are completed, thus acting as a user support group and providing necessary consulting services to users.
The project is completed by joint conference of the project working group and senior officials of Customer’s and supplier’s companies. During this conference the parties provide feedback, discuss methodical, organizational and technological problems detected and methods for their further elimination. After all settlements are effected and all necessary documents are executed, the working group is dissolved.
Within 3-6 months after completion of work relating to the regulations (i.e. completion of Stage 4), Customer can seek advice in use of the same. Such advice can be rendered by e-mail or in face time meeting.
Supplier strongly recommends conducting audit of regulations implementation upon expiry of 3-6 months after implementation has been completed. Such audit comprises analysis of documented process results, interviewing of executors and co-executors associated with processes and procedures, process performance analysis. In accordance with the audit findings, Customer will be provided with the report to be discussed with process “customers”. In accordance with the audit findings, a decision can be made to modify the regulations and/or to implement them over again. Standard duration of audit: 1-2 weeks. The above described approach allows assessing the economic benefit from implemented projects. Economic benefit assessment will be conducted on expiry of 12 months after project completion based on the expert opinion of Customer’s specialists. Benefit assessment will be expressed as percentage of savings of wage fund intended for the same volume of work adjusted for the current inflation rate.
Overall project duration usually makes up 2-3 months from the commencement date up to submission of final regulations version to Customer (stages 1-4). Implementation of regulations (technology) usually takes about a month. |
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